In Malay, seperate words are used to convey that a word uses a tense (e.g, telah, pernah or sudah for past tense, sedag, masih and tengah for present tense, and akan, mahu and hendak for future tense). Meanwhile, in Tagalog, prefixes (mag- for future, nag- for past and present) and reduplication (only in present & future) are used to signify past, present and future tenses.
Finally, I get my own side of the room. I don't need to share a bed anymore! Which I have been doing all my life [usually unwillingly], mind you. Other than that, this post is self-explanatory by the picture above.
As you can tell from the title, I did my hair based off of my current fave character.... drumroll please, Yinu from NSR!!! It's a braided bun (with some of my front hairs sticking out so I don't look bad from the front)! I added a headband, 'cause she wears a headband--what else can I say?
Also, my old blog is at jour.html! Check it out I guess? Also, this page may look empty because I have school in a bit and can't bother to style this site.